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Saturday, August 13, 2016

[Intermediate 2 Week 1] Introduction + 7A


Day #1: Introduction

Today we reviewed the rules for the semester using a PowerPoint presentation.

The importance of English.

Final English level = TOEIC Bridge exam.

The tests and exams for the semester.

Kahoot quiz: Intermediate1 - F1 - Be World Questions Possessive


  • Day #2: 7A - Was and were.
          Pages: 52   53

  • Extra material:  Who was Ronald Reagan?
          Click to download PPT

  • Extra online practice: Simple past.
          Click here for extra practice

  • Kahoot practice: No Kahoots.
          Click here to visit the Kahoot page.


(Como usar este sitio web)

Step 01: Select your English class level.
Paso 01: Elija su nivel de clase de inglés.

Step 02: Select a lesson from the list.
Paso 02: Elija una clase/lección de la lista.

Step 03: You are ready to review!
Paso 03: ¡Estás listo para revisar / repasar!

Extra Step: Video tutorial (ft Teacher Danilo)
